If you wish to upload your plot data please read our Code of Conduct and contact us at

We have compiled a selection of useful resources to help you learn about field work, use or just to aid you in general with your research.


Please contact if you would like to upload your data to ForestPlots.

Preparing data for a New Plot

Watch this video if you have data for a new plot (single or multi census) that is not in 
This Single Census Template may be used to prepare your data for upload and defines all the headers . 

Uploading a new plot

Preparing New Plot data for upload (3.06)

Preparing data for a New Census

If you already have plot data in ForestPlots, these training videos will help you prepare your new census data for upload.

We suggest you download this Pre-upload: Re-census data Check List and then watch the following videos in order. 

Steps 1-3d

STEPS 1-3d  (7.01)

Steps 4-8

STEPS 4-8  (4.43)

Steps 9-11

STEPS 9-11  (5.57)

Steps 12-14

STEPS 12-14  (8.53)


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